Important words to live by
Somedays you start to doubt the road you've chosen but then you get to work and realize why. I know I need to love what I am doing though...

Celeb Spotting
So I thought I should take advantage of being in Toronto with the biggest film festival in the world. And I was rewarded. Although...

Autumn colour
Sometimes the perfect subject matter is right out your back door especially in the afternoon sun on a warm November day. Get out and...

I forget how lucky I am to live so close to the beach. I have gone down there twice this week in the evening just to sit (and maybe froyo...

Global Photo Walk
Saturday evening was perfect for a photo walk. One with lots of people! 500px and Fujifilm sponsored this walk. Hundreds of them were...

Toronto ravines
We are lucky in Toronto to have so many parks and ravines to walk through. Yesterday was the perfect day for such a walk. It was one of...

I am always inspired by Toronto. Over the last few months I have been focussing more and more on seeing the city as a visitor might see...

Summer weather?
It has turned a bit fall-like but it should warm up for the weekend. Yesterday the sun was both out and not. It made for an interesting...

Warm Winter
Okay, I will jinx it now by saying, so far, this is a great Winter. Okay, not great if you like Winter sports. I don't like snow in the...

What happened to Spring in Toronto?
This is a trillium in our garden from LAST Spring. Right now it is up but not in flower. Everything seems to be in stasis since we've had...